
Agenda Item 51   


Subject: Opposing academisation of Benfield and Hangleton schools


Date of meeting:    19 October 2023


Proposer:                 Councillor Jacob Taylor

Seconder:                Councillor Faiza Baghoth


Ward(s) affected:   All



Notice of Motion


Labour Group



This council notes:


1)    We oppose the academisation of Benfield and Hangleton schools

2)    That the proposal for Benfield and Hangleton schools to join the Eko Academy Trust is not in the best interests of staff, parents or children

3)    That schools leaving the Local Authority system to become Academies will not solve the issues of falling pupil numbers or budgetary pressures


Therefore, resolves to:


4)            Request officers to ask the Governing Body for Benfield and Hangleton schools to  pause the academisation proposal to enable more time to engage with the local authority and the community, including parents and carers

5)            Request officers to work with the Hangleton and Benfield school communities and Governing Board to encourage them to remain in the Local Authority school’s family

6)            Request a report to a future Children, Families and Schools Committee addressing SEND and SEMH provision in the city 

7)            Request a report to a future Children. Families and Schools Committee which considers options for strengthening the partnerships that make up our family of schools, and boosts the support given to local authority school leadership.